
Saturday, 14 April 2012

Photo - How do they look...

Katharine has little hands and little hands that grab. Which makes me very aware that I don't have a spare pair of spectacles.

But deciding on a new pair of glasses is awful. I can't see how I look in them and, because I already wear glasses, any I try on already look okay because I am used to seeing myself in them.


Today I was in Boots and wandered in to the Opticians. I found a pair of glasses that I wouldn't ordinarily wear but felt daring...

I think I secretly, or rather now not so secretly, love them. What do you think? :) xx

- Posted on the move...

1 comment:

  1. I completely love them. I am always a teensy bit jealous of people who get to wear glasses. I even bought a pair of faux lenses once to try and get the look. My husband has a chic pair of black rimmed ones that are terribly attractive on him.


Go on... say it. :) xx

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