
Friday, 13 April 2012

Photo - Dollar is what I need...

Last week my friend at work went to New York for a brief holiday, or rather she went to stalk Ricky Martin as he appeared in Evita on Broadway.

Looking at all her photographs of Central Park, Hell's Kitchen, The Intrepid and the sign for Macy's I felt really envious. I never get to go anywhere and I fear that we will never be able to afford to take Katharine to places that will fill her with excitement.

My friend gave me a dollar as my souvenir and I have it on my computer at work.

And I can't help but stare at old George and feel a little sad.

Will my fortunes ever be black instead of red? Will I ever wake up and not feel the weight of debt on my chest?

I need a dollar, or rather a pound and lots of them. If I promise to split my winning with Charity how about you let me win the lottery?

Come on fate! What is on the cards for me? :) xx

- Posted on the move...

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