
Thursday, 24 November 2011

Musings - Mama Kat's Workshop (24th November 2011)


This week all the prompts at Mama Kat's Writing Workshop are about Thanksgiving. I'm British. My entire knowledge of Thanksgiving is from watching it in the movies.

Family members get together, even though they don't want to, in order to eat stupid amounts of food, saying what they are thankful for, before an argument breaks out and everyone storms off home in the bad weather... surely that's just Christmas? Or every Sunday family meal?

Trust you Americans to get in another celebration! :) But fair play to you, I think it's great to think about what we are thankful for.

So even though I am a Brit I am going to join in... I am drinking coffee and stuffing myself with toast as I type, so I am trying to get into the spirit of things and here is what I am thankful for this year.

* My wonderful family
* My new daughter
* My Virgin Media TV package :)
* My health (though I could be healthier)
*My Amazon iPhone app for buying all my books
* Mama Kat's workshop for inspiring me. :)

I hope I did that right? I am a beginner afterall.

So to all you thanks givers out there...


 Join in the fun at


  1. That's nice you joined in--welcome! It's always good to give thanks, love your list here!

    Stopping by from Writer's Workshop:

  2. Hope your regular ol' Thursday is a happy one! We lived in France for 12 years, so had many regular ol' Thursday's with no turkey when we were there. You're right - any day we stop and say "thanks" is a good day!

  3. You did it PERFECT! Happy Thursday to you! :)

  4. Wow, for someone who doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving, you sure described it accurately LOL! (Stopping by from Mama Kat's)

  5. Ha! Love that you still participated...I didn't realize you Brits didn't take a day to eat copious amounts of food while pondering all you're thankful for!


Go on... say it. :) xx

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