
Friday 31 December 2010

Diary - December 25th to 31st 2010

Diary – 25th to 31st December

This week has been about three things…
1. Ho ho ho and all that festive cheer,
2. Many many many trips to Huddersfield,
3. Swoon swoon swooning over a chap wearing too much eyeliner.

Have I mentioned before that I love Christmas? Well I do. I can’t help it, I am a sucker for tinsel and all the trimmings. This year I loved it more because my life is exciting at the moment and I was able to face the festivities without the usual sighing and ‘my dreams are fading’ gloom.

Christmas day saw the opening of presents. I got some great Soap and Glory sets which will set me up for a couple of months, a couple of watches, some books, a CD, a bracelet, perfume and loads more but I couldn’t possibly list them all. Even though my parents had bought us the Nursery furniture as our main present they still managed to spend a small fortune on stocking fillers. Naughty! The husband cooked the Christmas meal which as always was delicious and even though there were only the four of us adults eating he managed to cook enough for Leonidas’ army. Left overs are great though; meant that we could pig out on pigs in blankets for days.

On Boxing Day we lazed around until we were due at the grandfolks for salad, central heating and sherry trifle. We managed to watch the last half of one film and the first half of another before we headed for home. It was nice to be fed and do very little but it was also nice to get home and relax. Holidays are so tiring! :)

Holidays are also expensive, especially if you have a Mamas and Papas Factory shop less than 10 miles away. During this last week in December we purchased our Pram, car seat, car fixing system and oddly didn’t bat an eyelid at the hundreds of pounds it cost. Would have been a whole lot more if we hadn’t got it sale price though so we still have enough money to get the Nursery decorated at the beginning of the new year. Time is going to fly come 2011 so we will need to plan plan plan and spend spend spend.

We went to see Burlesque on the Thursday. AMAZING! I know the reviews have been mixed but I went into the darkened Screen anticipating I would be entertained by music, semi naked dancing and suspect acting… and I was! Who wants to see a tipped for Oscar movie when they can see Cam Gigandet butt and moonlight naked with only a box of cookies to cover his ‘cookie’? Not me! The music was fantastic, the bodies were enviable, the storyline was generic but given a modern setting and the nachos I ate while watching filled me up nicely. When it comes out on DVD I will be snapping it up.

Friday night is going to see us New Year bound with the birds and a home cooked meal but I will detail that in my first New Year blog as I imagine there will be gossip to discuss.

Next week… it’s back to work but the weeks will fly by so I can put up with it ha ha.

Thursday 23 December 2010

Summing up... as best I can.

So this is Christmas… what have you done?

A summation of this year is going to be quite difficult. So much has gone on yet bizarrely I have so little to say. I started the year with hope, enthusiasm and a new Blog and I’m ending it with a swelling belly. The enthusiasm still remains I just don’t have the energy to give it any time.

Pathetic! :) I know!

Without going back over my weekly diary I can’t remember much about this year pre-prenancy. It’s not that I am now all about being pregnant; more that being pregnant has robbed my brain of knowledge and basic recall. Hormones apparently. Or maybe my life this year has just been too dull to remember?


So things I do recall (in no particular order)…

Making friends with Authors,
Reading random blogs and being inspired,
Turning thirty,
Medical procedures,
Finding an inner strength,
The birth of George,
The birth of Thomas,
Realising selfishness in friends is an ugly trait,
An OC obsession,
Getting pregnant,
Learning I have a rare blood type,
Too much snow,

And all the bits in between that I will remember later and roll my eyes at ever having forgotten.

Another year over… a new one just begun?

So 2011? An all change year for a woman who is grinning broadly and chanting ‘BRING IT ON’. Life as I know it is going to be blown out of the water. I am determined that what ever the year brings it will be the making off me.

As far as pregnancy goes… I will be the perfect maternity house wife, I will sail through labour, I will be radiant as a new Mum and I will not leave my new born anywhere unusual due to the fact that I am not used to having one in my presence… it happens you know! :)

As far as Stacy goes I haven’t quite made my New Year’s list of resolutions but here are some vague ideas…

Get back into writing my Blog (I miss it, I am going to need the recall later ha ha),
Eat healthy,
Learn how to cook,
Decorate the Nursery,
Collect all the series of Smallville on DVD,
Get my next tattoo ready,
Review more,
Make new friends,
Reconnect with old friends,
Try out a fake tan!

Like I said its not a complete list… I will add to it and no doubt eliminate the things I will never achieve. Why set myself up to fail, ha ha? Notice give up chocolate hasn’t made it on there!

A very merry Christmas… and a happy New Year… let's hope it's a good one…

So have a great festive season! Eat, drink and be merry and I will see you bright and early in 2011.

Love always,
Stacy (and Bump)